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08 Oktober 2008
  /** blade runner comic **/
One of the well known tie-ins to the Blade Runner film is the Blade Runner comic. It was issued in two volumes and a combined edition. (Click on the pictures above if you want to see the big pics.)

The Blade Runner comic is very interesting for its interpretation of the movie. Quite obviously, they can't possibly do the same in a comic as in a 2 hour movie, so one expects that some dialogue will be trimmed or even slightly changed and details in the action will be curtailed or perhaps adjusted. One of the things I find most interesting is that some of those differences from the original movie version are referencing the shooting script! So, while there is some interpretation and a particular perspective present, it is in some ways almost like a different cut of the film.

[zum br comic]
da ist mal wieder eine richtige perle bei nerdcore rausgefallen ;) was ein bisschen stoerend ist, es gibt keine gesamte pdf-version, sodass man sich durch die einzelnen seiten klicken muss.


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