Flawed or not, the machinery that will be used to cast and count votes is in place. The biggest concerns on the voter’s end is whether their votes will be accurately recorded and not lost, due to a range of factors from human error to software glitches to lost memory cards — the electronic version of a ballot box.mir erscheint im moment irgendwie die theorie realistisch, dass es wieder einige probleme geben wird und dass diese probleme durchaus den republikanern zu gute kommen. um es mal so auszudruecken. aber wir werden sehen.
The biggest vulnerability in the vote-counting process appears to be the prospect that a private contractor, with strong partisan feelings, will tinker with the machinery to alter the count, either by adding to the number of voters casting ballots or shifting the allocation of votes awarded on a percentage basis: adding from candidate X and subtracting from candidate Y.
[alles lesen]
Labels: politik, sicherheit, technik
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