1. iRed Lite - your Apple Remote on steroidsdas sind jetzt keine grossartigen hacks und duerfte wahrscheinlich auch eingen schon bekannt sein, aber ganz nett ist es alle mal. vor allem wenn man seine apple remote bisher eher selten angeschaut hat ;)
2. iTheater - an open source Front Row alternative
3. iAlertU - good luck stealing my MacBook from the inet cafe
4. Aurora - never get out of bed to hit Snooze again
5. Pandora Boy - Pandora + Apple Remote = bliss
6. Using the Apple Remote in Linux - for the dual-booter in all of us
7. Tip: Pair your Apple Remote w/ your Mac - avoid embarrassment during your Keynote presentation
8. Tip: Put your Mac to sleep w/ the Apple Remote - one less reason to get out of bed
9. Tip: How to listen to Internet Radio in Front Row - until you-know-who kills inet radio entirely
10. Tip: How to play backup DVD’s (Video_TS) in Front Row - should have been included by default
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