LegalTorrents™ is an online community created to discover and distribute Creative Commons licensed digital media. We distribute high quality digital media of all types and provide support to content creators, including hosting a guaranteed high-speed seed for the content. We distribute content with the full permission of the rights holders. We use the peer-2-peer file-sharing technology called Bittorrent..da hat es jetzt einen kleinen relaunch gegeben und natuerlich kommt das, ganz web 2.0 entsprechend ;) als beta daher.
[legaltorrents faq]
Labels: bunt gemischt, freie kultur, freie musik, lesestoff, software, video
05/2006 /
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02/2008 /
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11/2008 /
nuetzliche freie/kostenlose software:
office anwendungen
verschluesselung & anonymitaet
audio & video-editing/recording