Mild, often happy - not euphoric -, mid-tempo - not too slow and definitely not too fast. It’s a pleasant blend of moments, from pop music to experimental stuff. It’s pop for the non-pop listeners (Post-pop electronic music if you want to name it). It’s more about instruments than voice, which has a slightly metallic touch (post-human). The passages, approaches of structure, melody (usually strong without losing it’s environmental side) and effects are often exotic; they don’t sound like a band’s everyday meal - the end of "Before Guns" is a perfect example of an ingenious and surprising ending."it’s pop for the non-pop listeners" gefaellt mir sehr gut. wuerde ich so zwar nicht 100%ig unterschreiben, macht aber hoffentlich lust da mal reinzuhoeren.
[test tube 080]
Labels: freie kultur, freie musik, musik
05/2006 /
06/2006 /
07/2006 /
08/2006 /
09/2006 /
10/2006 /
11/2006 /
12/2006 /
01/2007 /
02/2007 /
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04/2007 /
05/2007 /
06/2007 /
07/2007 /
08/2007 /
09/2007 /
10/2007 /
11/2007 /
12/2007 /
01/2008 /
02/2008 /
03/2008 /
04/2008 /
05/2008 /
06/2008 /
07/2008 /
08/2008 /
09/2008 /
10/2008 /
11/2008 /
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