LiveContent 2.0 is a LiveDVD full of free and open source software and Creative Commons' licensed open content — audio, video, image, text and educational resources. LiveContent is a project for anyone to explore to learn more about about open content that can be freely used, copied, and built upon.
Fedora 8 is the base architecture
* keeping most applications from v1.0 as base (OpenOffice, Inkscape, The Gimp, Firefox, Totem, Evince, gThumb, Tuxpaint)
Currently includes
* Flickr "interesting" photos
* Wikimedia Commons 2007 Pictures of the Year
* Jamendo music sampler
* music sampler
* MIT OCW top 10 downloaded courses
* Assorted videos from BoingBoing, Make, TED, CC, FreeMe DVD
* CC licensed texts
Labels: bunt gemischt, freie kultur, freie musik, musik, software, video
05/2006 /
06/2006 /
07/2006 /
08/2006 /
09/2006 /
10/2006 /
11/2006 /
12/2006 /
01/2007 /
02/2007 /
03/2007 /
04/2007 /
05/2007 /
06/2007 /
07/2007 /
08/2007 /
09/2007 /
10/2007 /
11/2007 /
12/2007 /
01/2008 /
02/2008 /
03/2008 /
04/2008 /
05/2008 /
06/2008 /
07/2008 /
08/2008 /
09/2008 /
10/2008 /
11/2008 /
nuetzliche freie/kostenlose software:
office anwendungen
verschluesselung & anonymitaet
audio & video-editing/recording