1. “Goodbye Snow, Hello Snow” from Bobby Baby - Loves To Remix Vol. 1
2. “Algo Cián” from Crisopa - “Medicamentosa”
3. “Energy is For Hendrik” from V.A. - Cycles (Camomille Netlabel)
4. “Floripondia” from Cri-Kong - “Hash Oil”
5. Superbus “The Place”
6. “Everybody” from Muji Ghostape - “We Need Music”
7. “Uplock The Poprock” from V.A. - “One Year & A Day- The 5inch Files”
8. “That Smell Of Spring Rain” from “VA - Pantoufle Tagada”
9. “L’Anchoiade” from Volfoniq + Disrupt + Bo Marley - “L’Anchoïade”
10. “Fashion Arithmetics” from Bluermutt - “Decivilize After Consumption”
11. “Kodo” from Le Mépris - “Le Mépris”
12. “Outro” from V.A. - “One Year & A Day- The 5inch Files”
Labels: freie kultur, freie musik, musik
05/2006 /
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08/2006 /
09/2006 /
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11/2006 /
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01/2008 /
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03/2008 /
04/2008 /
05/2008 /
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08/2008 /
09/2008 /
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11/2008 /
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