Polippix is political statement in a bootable CD. It presents several IT-political problematics like how to stay anonymous and avoid censorship on the internet. It also helps the user to break DRM'ed media, like copying a dvd.ich habe mir das ganze noch nicht angeschaut. ob man eventuell mit einem usb-stick mit verschiedenen protable apps nicht doch besser faehrt, kann nicht beurteilen (haengt wahrscheinlich auch davon ab, wie man das dann einsetzen will). klingt aber vom konzept her erstmal brauchbar.
The danish IT-Political Association started making Polippix as a protest against the recent antiterror laws being passed in Denmark and the way they impact innocent citizens.
The CD has been immensely popular. After being sent out to 12.000 IT-professionals in a partnership with PROSA, it hit the national news and more than 25.000 danish people downloaded it from the internet.
Polippix was originally based on Knoppix. In the latest development snapshots it is based on Kubuntu 7.10
Labels: freie kultur, software
05/2006 /
06/2006 /
07/2006 /
08/2006 /
09/2006 /
10/2006 /
11/2006 /
12/2006 /
01/2007 /
02/2007 /
03/2007 /
04/2007 /
05/2007 /
06/2007 /
07/2007 /
08/2007 /
09/2007 /
10/2007 /
11/2007 /
12/2007 /
01/2008 /
02/2008 /
03/2008 /
04/2008 /
05/2008 /
06/2008 /
07/2008 /
08/2008 /
09/2008 /
10/2008 /
11/2008 /
nuetzliche freie/kostenlose software:
office anwendungen
verschluesselung & anonymitaet
audio & video-editing/recording