On this compilation you find a string of the best demo tracks we tried to fit in a homogenous compilation trying to cover dub segments. Most producers on this international recording are unknown talents from Russia, Slovenia, USA, Croatia and Sweden but also released Thinner artists Rktic and Das Kraftfuttermischwerk are on board.besonders erwaehnswert finde ich (na klar) den track vom kraftfuttermischwerk, aber auch daniel blomqvist soll nochmal explizit genannt werden.
Labels: ccmw, freie kultur, freie musik, musik
05/2006 /
06/2006 /
07/2006 /
08/2006 /
09/2006 /
10/2006 /
11/2006 /
12/2006 /
01/2007 /
02/2007 /
03/2007 /
04/2007 /
05/2007 /
06/2007 /
07/2007 /
08/2007 /
09/2007 /
10/2007 /
11/2007 /
12/2007 /
01/2008 /
02/2008 /
03/2008 /
04/2008 /
05/2008 /
06/2008 /
07/2008 /
08/2008 /
09/2008 /
10/2008 /
11/2008 /
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