"It has been one hell of a ride and good fun to run a netlabel for nearly three years. I now feel it's time to move on to other things, and decided time has come to close Bevlar down.
I would like to thank all of you who listened to our music, downloaded it and passed it on to others. I know I speak for all of the artists involved when I say we couldn't have done it without you - so thanks for your support!
And of course - Magnus, thank you for all the hours you put into this project!
Daniel Lindeberg, Sweden February 2nd 2007."
Labels: freie kultur, freie musik, musik
05/2006 /
06/2006 /
07/2006 /
08/2006 /
09/2006 /
10/2006 /
11/2006 /
12/2006 /
01/2007 /
02/2007 /
03/2007 /
04/2007 /
05/2007 /
06/2007 /
07/2007 /
08/2007 /
09/2007 /
10/2007 /
11/2007 /
12/2007 /
01/2008 /
02/2008 /
03/2008 /
04/2008 /
05/2008 /
06/2008 /
07/2008 /
08/2008 /
09/2008 /
10/2008 /
11/2008 /
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